Consultation Services for Primary Care Providers
SmartCare BHCS understands that providers can often be faced with unexpected patient behavioral health challenges. We offer Primary Care Providers psychiatric consultation services that best meet provider needs, including psychotropic medication and behavioral health consultation.
Consultation services are offered to providers and their staff in real-time by the SmartCare Clinical Team, including our Psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioner. SmartCare BHCS Licensed Clinical Therapists are available to speak directly with patients to assist in linking patients to community support services.
Primary Care Providers and their designated staff are welcome to contact SmartCare BHCS via telephone with a SmartCare Psychiatrist triage line at (858) 880-6405. Monday through Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm.
Services for Providers
- Real-time clinical consultations for referred patients and families, including use of email, teleconferencing and televideo services with Psychiatrist and other members of the BHCS Clinical Team
- Care Support Services for families: helping parents and providers define behavioral health care needs and goals, and develop intervention plans
- Provider education opportunities
- On-line SMARTer Care Newsletter, CME Programs, Website resources for providers