Why Do Teens Use Substances? An Overview 7/16/24

This is a first in a series of upcoming newsletters on substance use in youth. Substance use among teenagers remains a pervasive and multifaceted issue, eliciting concern from healthcare professionals, educators, and parents alike. Adolescence, a period marked by rapid physiological, psychological, and social changes, is often associated with experimentation and changes in behavior and […]

4 Traits That Put Kids at Risk for Addiction 4/6/23

The looming question of “What can we do to curb the addiction crisis facing our youth?” has remained unanswered because there is no single way to reduce the drug and alcohol epidemic in our society. Traditional anti-drug education in schools that focuses on scare tactics and the message “Just Say No”, has been found to be […]

Opioid Use Disorders: The Current Epidemic (Part 1) 8/2/2018

The opioid epidemic has become a national emergency. Opioid related deaths have increased ~300% from 2001 to 2016. It is known that overdoses are a leading cause of accidental death in the United States, and the number has been increasing yearly from 2002 to present time. Drug overdoses cause more deaths than car accidents and […]

CBD Oil: What Do We Know? 4/5/2018

Particularly with legalization of marijuana and increasing use of medical marijuana, a buzz has developed about CBD oil and many patients are asking their primary care providers about using it for various medical conditions. It can be challenging to know how to answer many of the questions, but it helps to be as up-to-date as […]

Primer on the Opioid Epidemic 12/21/2017

The opioid epidemic is all over the news, and has become both a national political football and a health care crisis. It might be worthwhile to look at some of the factors that got us here. The opioid epidemic has become a national emergency because of multiple factors: deaths related to overdose, lost employment, harm […]