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    Improving Detection of Postpartum Depression 12/14/2017

    Postpartum depression is fairly common, with a prevalence of 10-15%. PPD can occur anytime in the first year after delivery. The postpartum year is one of the highest risk periods for first-onset depression for women with approximately 50% of women who will have a depressive disorder in their lifetime experiencing their first episode of depression […]

    Primer on the Opioid Epidemic 12/21/2017

    The opioid epidemic is all over the news, and has become both a national political football and a health care crisis. It might be worthwhile to look at some of the factors that got us here. The opioid epidemic has become a national emergency because of multiple factors: deaths related to overdose, lost employment, harm […]

    Assessing and Treating Tardive Dyskinesia 1/4/2018

    Given the increase in prescribing of antipsychotic medication, it is more important than ever for providers to be screening for Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) and other extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) related to antipsychotic use. Partially, the increase in prescribing of antipsychotic medications is related to their use in non-psychotic disorders, like monotherapy for bipolar disorder and adjunctive […]

    Anxiety in Children and Adolescents 1/18/2018

    Up to one in three children and adolescents experience clinically significant anxiety, and it is often under-recognized and under-treated. It is particularly important for primary care providers to be aware of the symptoms of anxiety in pediatric patients, because patients typically present first in this setting. Often the presenting complaint is a physical symptom, rather […]

    Treatment for Anxiety in Children and Adolescents 1/25/2018

    The presentation of anxiety in children and adolescents was discussed in last week’s e-Weekly. This e-Weekly will focus on treatment for anxiety disorders in pediatric populations, as many patients first present to their primary care providers for assessment and treatment. Treatment options primarily involve therapy and/or medication. For patients presenting with mild-moderate anxiety symptoms, a […]

    Psychiatric Sequelae of Concussions 2/1/2018

    Concussion, defined as a head injury with a temporary loss of brain function, is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. There is typically not a loss of consciousness associated with most concussions, and the sequelae are typically temporary. Concussion can cause a variety of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. This article is going […]

    Practice Guidelines for Treating AUD 2/8/2018

    Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is very common and can lead to medical, social and legal impairments for affected individuals and their families. Despite the high prevalence of AUD and its significant public health consequences, patients with this disorder continue to be under-identified and undertreated. The American Psychiatric Association has recently come out with practice guidelines […]

    Is it Menopause or Depression? 2/15/2018

    Is it Menopause or Depression? Females in their 40s and 50s often present to their primary care providers with new-onset depressive symptoms. In developing a treatment plan, it is important to assess if the symptoms are part of menopause or perimenopause or if they represent a new-onset depressive disorder. A complicating factor is that menopause […]

    Practice Guidelines for Treating AUD

    Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is very common and can lead to medical, social and legal impairments for affected individuals and their families. Despite the high prevalence of AUD and its significant public health consequences, patients with this disorder continue to be under-identified and undertreated. The American Psychiatric Association has recently come out with practice guidelines […]

    Maximizing Efficacy of Antidepressants

    Antidepressant medications, most commonly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are frequently prescribed by primary care providers for depression, anxiety, and impulse control disorders. There are some important guiding principles to keep in mind when prescribing these medications, which can dramatically improve a patient’s response to treatment and ensure ongoing safety. Here is a review […]